Friday, June 18, 2010

Tuesday - Malta and Gozo

We left for Malta on Tuesday morning with overweight luggage and a 225 pound ($325) excess baggage charge. I didn't think the shoes were that heavy! I am pretty sure we will be leaving some stuff in Gozo!

The flight was uneventful and we arrived in Malta and were met at the airport with two Jeeps. We then undertook the one hour drive across the Island of Malta to the ferry for Gozo. A short 20 minute ferry trip and we were on Gozo on our way to the Farmhouse. The keys to the farmhouse were in the door, of course! A testament to the lack of crime on the Island. (If there is any crime they blame it on the visitors from Malta).

The Jeep is just the right mode of transport here. The roads can be insanely steep and pretty badly paved (similar to NYC).

The farmhouse is perfect. On Saturday we have my Gozo family around for a little celebration - more on that later. But now we relax for two glorious weeks!

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