Monday, June 21, 2010

Festival - Fontana, Gozo

Last evening we went to a festival in Fontana, Gozo, it was truly amazing. The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is pretty spectacular, carry out a statue of Jesus which is then carried around the village. Fireworks are an important part of all things Gozo and used they were with the church bell ringing and loud explosions of fireworks going off every minute or so it was LOUD!

When the statue was carried out there was a large brass band playing along with a choir and solo performances by a tenor and bass male singers.

If you check out you will find a short video of the process. Also we will post some pics on Flickr soon.

Yes, that is a bunch of people standing IN the bell tower while it was ringing, I guess if you are not deafened by the fireworks that's where you get to stand!

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