Thursday, June 17, 2010

The beginning ...

Welcome to everyone who is following this blog, it follows our "Long Wedding" which starts on June 11 and finishes on July 10th. Why? Well we have friends and relatives in the UK and realized that many of them would not be able to come to Philadelphia for the actual wedding so we decided to have a little party in London on June 13th.

Then because of other commitments (mainly Sabrina's) we could not have a honeymoon after the wedding so we decided to have it first so we booked two glorious weeks in Gozo. Gozo! I hear you say, where is that and why. Well Gozo is a small Island about 7 miles long next to Malta in the middle of the Mediterranean somewhere between Sicily and North Africa.

We discovered Gozo about 6 years ago when my nephew got married there. My sister-in-law, Frances, is Gozitan so we have family there; from the day we arrived 6 years ago Frances large extended family have made us as welcome as if we had born there. Not only is Gozo one of the most beautiful places in the world but we really feel at home there. We are having a small celebration in Gozo with the Gozitan family and some friends from Philly on the 19th.

So that's the story behind The Long Wedding we will try and keep this blog up-to-date so that friends and family from around the world who can't make it to the various venues can feel part of each one (without the long flight).

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